I'm just like everyone else, a guy with a wife, two kids, a home, a dog, and a cat.
Like everyone else, I'm becoming picky as to how I spend my money. Last weekend was different, I decided I was done with be cautious, I was done with holding on to every dime just in case I lose my job, my health care or whatever else could get thrown at me. I decided to take the family to the movies to see Night at Museum 2.
We loaded into the car, stopped at a CVS on the way, my lucky day, movies size candies on sale for a dollar a box I'm so psyched. We got to the theater, matinee prices where still in effect, awesome! My youngest starts to ask for popcorn...then whines for it. Trying not to miss my opportunity to teach a lesson, I start to explain the treat is the movie not the junk food they crush your wallet on. He flashed his baby blue eyes at my wife....
I'm walking to my seat with my pockets rattling with $5 of smuggled candy, $31 for drinks and two bags of popcorn, $29 for the tickets and lets not forget my pride.
Average Joe